Attendance :
Only sellers and speakers will only be allowed onsite without a ticket, anyonenot speaking or working on your stall will need to obtain a ticket from the BIBPARANORMAL WEBSITE no exceptions. This is due to the health and safety ofthe event and the venue so we do not go past our maximum capacity. You muststate to BIB how many people you intend on bringing in with you for setup andrunning of your stall throughout the day. (Once these numbers have been given,this wont be changeable. If you require more spaces to run or maintain yourstall these people will have to obtain a ticket and enter when main doors openunless you have been given permission from BIB Paranormal Ltd.)
Only people who are named on the Vendor form, will be able to enter Para-Con 2025 early to set up and or operate a stall. Please send us your company or group name followed by names and jobs or each person you intent to bring in,
whilst at the event. (please follow this formula below or the attached form to provide this information.)
This is important to do so correctly as our Health and safety team need to have all risk assessments in place before the event commences.
Any person / persons not on the list will not gain access into the event before the official opening time of 10:00 and only if they have a ticket. If the event ends up selling out, they will not be allowed entry to the event. Please remember tickets are FREE meaning there is no reason for anyone to try and gain access with out a ticket “smuggle in”. Any person or team trying to do this will be asked to leave site.
Electrical equipment:
If you are looking at using electric at Para-con we need to know this inadvance. All equipment should be PAT teated with all tags in current date. Theuse of TV, phone chargers, POS and anything else that requires a mains plug.Please add these to your info pack so BIB can ensure all Health and Safety isabided by. If you are intending to use such objects at Para-Con 2025 pleasesend or attach a copy of you public liability insurance tobibparanormal@gmail.com. Only venders and speakers intending to useelectrical equipment on site must send their insurance that must cover 1Million+.
You are liable for your sales, BIB, will not have any input or responsibility onyour sales at Para-Con 2025 and you should have all sales and taxes in place.Any unlicensed sales BIB Paranormal LTD will not be held liable for you byattending agree that any products you sell you will be liable for the tax and NIfor each and every products.
Stalls and Tables:
All stalls and tables will have the same size space unless told other wise by Ben or Ian of BIB PARANORMAL LTD stranded stall size is one table that will be 6ft x 3ft allocated within Para-con we understand that not all of you need this about of space and some require more, we do have some larger spaces available if you have a lot to lay out however this will be at Ben or Ians discretion it you are allocated one of these spaces, if you would like a large stall or stand please ask so with the reason on your information form, BIB PARANORMAL LTD will.To guarantee you will have the stall upgrade to a larger stall as these are limited and will only be give under certain criteria.
What You Must Have:
In order to have a stall at Para-Con 2025 all stalls must have a table banner or roller banner at the table as we are running a no empty table policy the more you have on your stall the better these stalls are to show case you and or your business as well as to show Para-Con is a family community to show case when we work together we can achieve mass events that everyone enjoys.The reason we aren’t charging you anything to attend Para-Con 2025 is for you to utilise your stalls and businesses to look the best you can, we strongly advise you to make your stall stand out in the crowd.With us not knowing what footfall we were going to be expecting we thought it was reasonable for us to not charge you the vendors a fee to sell at Para-Con2025 and we hope that we can develop our other business Para Stream to pay the bills in order to keep Para-Con Free for all venders and public every year regardless how big we can build it.If your struggling to get a table banner or roller banner we have a local sign company that we have a great deal with to help you get your stuff cheaper through our contact.Roller bannerTable BannerAll stall must have at least one of theses items to display your name so people see you around the rooms. If you don’t already proses one or both of these items then please get in touch if you need help, we can point you in the right direction.
Health and Safety :
We are taking all and necessary steps to insure the safety and wellbeing of all venders and public alike, our health and safety manager has and or will create risk assessments for every vender and for the event in full. Please fill out the about us section of your forms and go into details to give a clear vision of your intent at Para-Con, think about what your selling, what equipment you have, are you using TVs and require power, the more detail you go into the easier this will be for or Health and Safety managerWhen your risk assessment has been created you have the responsibility toinsure all information given to you from our Health and Safety manager will meet with you throughout the whole event from Set Up, Event and Pack down.You as a part of Para-Con have the duty to manage Health and Safety for not only your selfs but for the whole even as well if you seen a potential hazard it is your duty to either fix or report the hazard to the Para-Con Event Team.All Fire Exits will be shown to all venders as well as a quick recap before doors open on the 6th at 10:00am.If any Fire Exit is blocked or has restrictions you must either move or alert the Event Team immediately.Anybody using structural elements e.g stage truss, over head stands or any item over 2.6 meter high must have full RAMS (Risk Assessment and MethodStatement) given to BIB at least 4 weeks before event date 6th/ 10th /2025.All RAMS need to be sent to BIB PARANORMAL. LTD no later then the06th/09th/2025.
Loading And Unloading:
Loading in will be on the 5th from 8am - 8pm all venders must have all equipment in the venue on the Friday the 5th and any vender that fails to achieve this, will not be able to have their stall at Para-Con 2025.You will need to pull into the small carpark at the front of the building to unload, once all you equipment is within the venue you will need to move your car to the other carpark.Details of all carparks will be given closer to the event along with maps and where you will be within Para-Con.Unloading will be after 5pm on the 7th September 2025 under no circumstances is anyone to start packing away until all public have left, you will have until 10pm to exit the venue with all your equipment.
For those that have a stall the public will be free roaming all day so we would like that you have at least one person at you stall at all times.All venders have been placed to create a flow environment for all of our guests, regardless if you are in the main stage room the lounge bar or the tea room we have estimated that all public will circulate around the full venue.