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The first moment 

Our main goal, is to develop a place that anyone in the paranormal world can come. Whether that is to shop for new equipment to help you with your investigations, to join in our events (e.g  investigator experiences) or to be apart of ParaCon, where you can meet other people that love doing what you do. The idea of having a hub for all things paranormal is a lifelong achievement for both of us. We are pleased that you share the same ambition as us. Welcome to BIB PARANORMAL LTD.

Find out more about Ben and Ian down bleow 

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Ben Kennerley

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How I was led into my belief


University Name

Hello my name is Ben Kennerley, my journey began over 13 years ago when i was just sat talking to a bar maid in one of my local pub (bar maids name won't be used within my story). As we were chatting away I saw a strangely dressed gentleman in the corner of my eye. He looked in his late 70s and was in work overalls, quite dirty, crooked nose, thin lips, cheek bones really visible and he looked like he was having a nice cold pint after a long hard day. However, when i looked at the bar maid, she just said to me straight away, ("I know i saw him too don't freak out or worry he gets seen a lot here"). This wasn't making any sense to me. I fully turned to look back, thinking I've missed something, however he was not there. I checked the toilets outside the whole pub, there was no way he managed to leave that quickly without me noticing. At this point, is when the bar maid asked me what I am looking for thinking I've just lost something and I said that old chap that was sat there when has he gone which she replied ("I told you not to freak out he's a ghost that visits here from time to time people see him always from the corner of their eyes but never face to face"), completely laughing it off i finished my pint and left. I didn't think about it and brushed it off thinking she's pulling my leg and I was part of a big joke at my expense. Until about 2 weeks later when I was back in the pub looking at all the old photos on the walls that surrounded the whole place when I saw the same man. He was in this old picture of salt miners dated 1934. This is when I got the chills and was crapping myself until it dawned on me that whatever he is or was he didn't try to hurt me in any way he was just being him. This is what led me to chase the paranormal world and to show everyone else what I have seen and how my journey into investigating began.

My Life

I have always had pride in myself on the ability to be able to take any situation which life throws at me, whether this is being positive or negative. I will always over come it and push my life forward in whatever way I can benefit myself. I have filming experience and I have also became quite handy with software to be able to produce and edit all the footage for Haunted History, as well as the advertisement videos for the events and also the experiences which BIB PARANORMAL will have to offer. I studied music to film and video in detail through my collage years, which has given me the ability to produce all original soundscapes and scores for all of BIB's music as and when it is required.
I have done a lot of jobs in my working life, which have given me the skill sets to build and create multiple items that BIB PARANORMAL sells. In our shop my skill set and abilities have given me the opportunities to build devices that allow even the most experienced investigator through to the highest of professionals to aid them in there own investigations. 


  • Music qualification in film, advertising and video - having the ability to make something more peaceful or intense throughout music. This is a invaluable skill set to have as this allows for a more professional production or product


  • ​Experience in filming and editing videos on a wide scale of all different types of platforms - working with local businesses close to myself to help bring their products and videos to life.​


  • Marketing and advertisement for a national company - this has given me the insight on how to digital market and direct marketing you use the correct ways and tools to use for the best results.​


  • A background in construction and electrics - this allows me to be able to think outside the box to create and rebuild complex pieces of equipment that are extremely expensive and make them cheaper, user friendly, light weight and more functional for anybody to use.​
    I have done a lot of jobs in my working life which have given me the skill set to build and create multiple items that BIB PARANORMAL sells. Within the shop my skill set and abilities have given me the opportunities to build devices that allow even the most unexperienced investigator through to the highest of professionals to aid them in there own investigations.  


How I was led into my belief 

Hello my name is Ian Diver, my paranormal journey started in 2015 as my mum was ill in hospital. I had to stay at my granddad's to look after him as he was on end of life care. He was bed ridden and couldn't get out of his Bed. It was Monday evening, and we had watched Manchester United, I said good night and gone up stairs to bed where I had got comfy and had the TV on for back noise. This was when I herd the stairs creek and a bang as someone had walked up stairs. I shot out of bed and opened the door but no one was there. I then went downstairs to ask my grandad but he was asleep. Two days later, whilst I sat in the living room, I had seen a shadow figure move right to left in the hallway. Since then, I became obsessed and spent every spare time trying to prove what I saw.

My Life


University Name


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In my role as a paranormal investigator, I use my passion for seeking answers to the possibility of life after death. I have always taken pride in myself on giving the best evidence I can find with no fakery, jump scares or any messing around. This is so I can get the truth. I have always tried to use the latest technology made by our own paranormal tech team BIB PARANORMAL. This means that our equipment is built by paranormal investigators for paranormal investigators. I have attended and led countless investigations and have found some ground braking evidence, as well as debunking countless investigations along my journey. My goal and passion in life, is to try and show direct proof with no tricky in the process. I can never push my beliefs and experiences on to anyone, however this is what led me to start off investigating within BIB PARANORMAL. You can find and discover your own beliefs with the evidence and information that we document

  • Paranormal Investigator - I've spent many years to build up my own knowledge on equipment and seeing things for what they are then just tell people what they want to hear.​


  • Equipment Specialist - working with BIB PARANORMAL to explain how and why to use the equipment in different ways (firstly how the equipment works and secondly what I would be trying to achieve with this piece of equipment)


  • Event Organiser - woking with BIB PARANORMAL to develop events that are tailored to paranormal investigators to bring our community to one place to discuss e.g latest equipment, different approaches to investigating and a place to share different experiences and many more​


  • A background in construction and electrics - this allows me to be able to think outside the box to create and rebuild complex pieces of equipment that are extremely expensive and make them cheaper, user friendly, light weight and more functionable for anybody to use.


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